In an age when the screens at our fingertips flood us with a steady stream of the next best things, there is a strain of faithful artists and designers resisting the urge to constantly reinvent. They are committed to slower processes, simple and carefully chosen materials, and meticulous, repetitious techniques. To encounter what they make is to take a respite from the commotion of contemporary society; the objects are materialized pauses to wear, hold, or rest on. The candidness of the work included here is an honest reminder of the connection between the hand and the object.
All makers in this group celebrate the inherent qualities of their materials—like the grain of wood, the veining of marble, or raw clay—while some also honor traditional methodologies and even culturally specific languages. But their most significant common denominator is a sincere, direct approach that seeks to accentuate rather than transform beyond recognition. We are bound to reencounter the principles of the Truthsayers, on their own or remixed, time and time again. With wood, stone, ceramic, fiber, enamel, and metal, the Truthsayers uplift the tried and true and provide an essential foundation for wilder things to come within this exhibition.
Truthsayers include: Jamie Bennett, Mary Lee Hu, Ian Colllings, Nik Gelormino, Ferne Jacobs, Minjae Kim, Lonnie Vigil, Vincent Pocsik, Jolie Ngo,